News Archive
Recent Masood Entrepreneurship Centre news
Applications for Start-up Visa are now open!
The University of Manchester is an endorsing body for the Start-up Visa, endorsing recent graduates in their entrepreneurial pursuits at the end of their Tier 4 visa.
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MCR Makes Market
In collaboration with the SU, MEC are hosting the first MCR Makes Market, encouraging our students with side hustles or small businesses to sell their products in person.
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The power of entrepreneurship – be your own boss
Start-up founders must be bold, brave and believe in themselves. However, everyone needs a little help… That’s why The University of Manchester has once again launched the Venture Further Awards (VFA’s), the UK’s leading university-led start-up competition.
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Inspiring Manchester Tech CEO shares experiences and advice
Matthew Scullion, founder and CEO of Matillion shared his unique attitude and dedication to innovation and answered questions from the audience at an event in the Entrepreneurs@Manchester speaker series hosted online by the Masood Entrepreneurship Centre.
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Opportunity for Manchester social scientists with innovative ideas
Are you a social scientist with an innovative research idea that could be developed into a business or social enterprise?
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Venture Further 2022 - Are you ready to go on a journey?
The University of Manchester’s annual start-up competition is now open for expressions of interest.
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Celebrating Manchester's pioneering graphene entrepreneurs
Winners of the Masood Entrepreneurship Centre’s recent Eli and Britt Harari Graphene Enterprise competitions are developing innovative ventures in Manchester">Winners of the Masood Entrepreneurship Centre’s recent Eli and Britt Harari Graphene Enterprise competitions are developing innovative ventures in Manchester.
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Introducing the online part-time Postgraduate Certificate in Entrepreneurship
The new online Postgraduate Certificate in Entrepreneurship allows you to study part-time alongside your working life and learn how to take your business ideas into practice.
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Unlock Your Potential - Welcome Week 2021
As part of Welcome Week, this joint virtual event features MEC Director, Lynn Sheppard, in conversation with the former MUSU General Secretary Kwame Kwarteng and current General Secretary Melody Stephen, discussing what entrepreneurship is and its benefits to students and graduates.
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Look great and do good: Manchester startup apparel brand Pirkani proves that British fashion can be environmentally sustainable and ethical
With environment and ethical sustainability to its core, Pirkani, a graduate startup apparel brand aims to lead the fashion industry from its founding city, Manchester. Pirkani's minimalism inspired 100% organic cotton t-shirts promise to last longer than the fast-fashion alternatives while keeping the planet's wellbeing at the forefront.
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MEC Kickstart BIG Programme 2021
Are you a UoM student or recent graduate with an idea of how to tackle a real problem in the market? Do you want to learn more about how to develop your early stage idea into a start-up business?
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Be inspired to Kickstart ideas and make a difference
During the last academic year interest in engaging in entrepreneurial support from the Masood Entrepreneurship Centre has soared with record numbers attending online events, workshops and 1-2-1 sessions despite the challenges and uncertainty all around.
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The University of Manchester to take part in a new EIT-funded project for boosting innovation and entrepreneurship
We are happy to announce that The University of Manchester through the Masood Entrepreneurship Centre based in Alliance Manchester Business School will be taking part in a new project called EntreUnity.
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